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Ritual - Grand Barrier

Type of Spell: Ritual

Spell Power Ranking: A

Casters Required: 1 or more

Description: The caster(s) channel their mana into a mana crystal, activating a village-sized barrier. This barrier can withstand a full siege and offers enhanced durability against both physical and magical attacks. The barrier blocks projectiles, siege weapons, and spells up to A rank. The strength and duration depend on the quality of the mana crystal and the amount of mana channeled into it, as well as the amount of casters. With the right resources, the barrier can last up to multiple days, but typical durations range from 10-20 turns.

Mana Cost: High

Limitations & Side Effects:

  • If the mana crystal is drained, shattered, or disrupted, the barrier will collapse immediately.

  • Each caster extends the barrier’s area by 1 miles and duration by 2 turns.

  • The barrier slowly consumes mana, and if it is attacked heavily, the drain accelerates. Casters can refill the crystal with more mana at the cost of exhausting themselves.

  • Solo casters can only maintain the barrier for a limited duration, 2-6 turns.

  • It takes 2 turns to activate the barrier, leaving the casters vulnerable to attacks during this time.

Cooldown: 3 Days

Requirements: A mana crystal

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