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Ritual - Circle of Fertility

Type of Spell: Ritual

Spell Power Ranking: C

Number of Casters: 1 or more

Description: This ritual channels mana into the soil, infusing it with vitality to promote rapid growth, improved health, and higher yields for crops and plants within a 500-meter radius; the enhanced fertility accelerates the natural growing cycle, allowing plants to thrive under ideal conditions. Additional casters expand the radius or focus on specific crops for specialized effects.

Mana Cost: Medium

Limitations & Side Effects:

  • Effects last for one growing season but fade gradually if not maintained.

  • Performing this ritual on the same land consecutively within a short time leads to soil depletion, reducing future yields.

  • Works only on non-magical plants or crops below the Rare-tier classification.

  • With three or more casters, it can target harder-to-grow plants or revitalize wilted crops.

  • If cast too frequently, it may attract pests or disrupt natural ecosystems.

Cooldown: 30 Turns

Requirements: Must be performed during daylight hours, preferably at noon.


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