Mineral Name: Sciorptio
Color: Blue and red.
Mineral Location: Can be found roaming the caves of the tundra.
Mineral Rarity: Rare+
Moh Hardness Ranking: 8
Melting Point: 2300°C
Solubility: Insoluble
Market Value: 6 Gold.
Description: Sciorptio is a very rare mineral that can be found roaming around the caves of the tundra. Roaming, as they are a type of living mineral however they lack any form of consciousness, thought, emotions, free-will, or sentient beyond their intinct to attack any lifeform they come across, due to this it is very dangerous to hunt them down. However, even with the danger known they are often sought after for their body, due to its capability to produce a mixture of toxic minerals depending on the materials it is exposed to, with the mineral taking on the properties of those materials to an extent