Type of Spell: Non-Elemental
Spell Power Ranking: B
Description: In order to cast this spell, the caster must first decide a point of origin for the summoning of this spell (The ground, the sky, behind/infront of the target, etc.) and once this is done, they must designate a target. Upon casting, golden threads of mana will appear from the point in particular which are guided towards a target via the caster's hand motions, restraining their target and limiting their mobility greatly, being capable of restraining something as strong as a polar bear.
Mana Cost: Medium
Limitations/Side Effects: Caster must have completely intact hands and fingers, otherwise the threads will snap. Broken concentration will lead to failure of the spell. If the target is more powerful than the caster, the spell will fail and the threads will be snapped. Maintaining the threads over 2 turns will degrade the caster's hand at a rapid rate.
Cooldown: 5 turns.
Requirements: Knowledge of Non-Elemental Magics