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L - Lichanite

Mineral Name: Lichanite

Color: Black Edges with a Purple Core

Mineral Location: Unknown

Mineral Rarity: Legendary

Moh Hardness Ranking: 11

Melting Point: 2300°C

Solubility: Insoluble

Market Value: Not Sold

Description: Lichanite, as the name would suggest, is a very rare mineral that is formed from the body of a dead Lich. The exact process in which the mineral forms is unknown, however it is believed that upon the death of a Lich, in very rare situations, the mana that was once within the Lich can condense and take the form of a black and purple gemstone over the course of hundreds, if not thousands, of years. This produced gemstone is known for its properties of being able to boost Dark Magic, as well as having the remnant essence of a Lich.

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