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F - Glowfin Minnow


Bioluminescent Glow

Swift Swimmer

Feeds on mushrooms and can grow mushrooms from its body

Can camouflage itself and blend in

Danger Ranking: F

Rarity: Common

Region: Lakes and Shallow Waters

Description: The Glowfin Minnow is a tiny aquatic creature that looks similar to an axolotl in appearance, They inhabits the shallow waters of rivers and lakes, and tend to stay where limited light reaches through the water. Its slender body is adorned with soft scales that emit a glow, illuminating the water around it as well as growing in small insects for it to feed on. Thanks to its small size, the Glowfin Minnow is a swift swimmer, darting gracefully through the water with agile movements. Harmless and gentle by nature, the Glowfin Minnow poses no threat to larger aquatic predators or other creatures in general, as they prefer to feed on tiny insects and mushrooms.

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