Type of Spell: Conjuration
Spell Power Ranking: D
Description: The user conjures a weapon made of pure mana, which is reflective of their soul. The form of the weapon is unique to each individual, based on their inner spirit, and remains consistent every time the spell is cast. These weapons are always basic in nature and lack any special abilities beyond their physical form. Examples of Soul Weapons include swords, daggers, shields, and other handheld weapons.
Mana Cost: Low
Limitations & Side Effects:
The Soul Weapon is fixed for each individual. For example, if someone's Soul Weapon is a sword, it will always be a sword.
They can only be used by the caster.
Boosts can extend the weapon’s durability and slightly enhance its sharpness/strength, but no more then B Rank.
Cooldown: None
Requirements: N/A