Type of Spell: Conjuration
Spell Power Ranking: C
Description: The user summons their own shadow, transforming it into a defensive entity capable of protecting them from incoming attacks. The shadow can block most basic, non-magical attacks with ease. It is also capable of defending against up to 3 Level D spells or 1 Level C spell before it shatters. Any attacks stronger than a C-Rank spell will bypass the shadow's defenses entirely.
Mana Cost: Medium
Limitations/Side Effects:
The shadow can only last for 20 turns unless shattered by damage.
If the shadow is shattered, the user will suffer a backlash, causing disorientation.
The shadow cannot block anything stronger than a C-Rank spell.
Boosts can increase the number of D-Rank spells blocked by up to 100x or extend the duration, but no further boosts to defense against stronger attacks are allowed.
Cooldown: 15 Turns
Requirements: The user must have an intact shadow to cast the spell.