Type of Spell: Conjuration
Spell Power Ranking: C
Description: The user summons their own shadow, transforming it into an entity capable of attacking on their behalf. The shadow has an ink-like nature, able to change its form and shape at will to adapt to different situations. It has 3x the strength of a normal human and durability similar to a slime. The shadow can move up to 10 meters away from the caster before disappearing.
Mana Cost: Medium
Limitations/Side Effects:
The shadow can only last for 10 turns or until it is shattered.
If the shadow is shattered, the user suffers backlash, causing disorientation.
The shadow is vulnerable to elemental effects like freezing, burning, or melting due to its slime-like durability.
Boosts can increase the shadow’s strength by up to 50x or extend its duration.
Cooldown: 15 Turns
Requirements: The user must have an intact shadow.