Type of Spell: Conjuration
Spell Power Ranking: A
Description: The caster summons a Great Demi-Dragon, a massive creature with twice the physical strength, speed, and durability of a typical dragon. The Great Demi-Dragon stands 10 meters tall and 20 meters long and can unleash a 30-meter elemental breath attack once every 3 turns. The creature follows the caster's commands and remains summoned within a 100-meter range of the caster.
Mana Cost: High
Limitations/Side Effects:
The Great Demi-Dragon can only remain summoned for 10 turns before it disappears.
The Great Demi-Dragon is vulnerable to powerful magical attacks, particularly ones that target its elemental affinity.
Boosts can increase the dragon’s lifespan by no more than 5x, or raise its physical stats by a maximum of 10x.
Cooldown: 35 Turns
Requirements: A large enough area to safely summon the dragon without spatial restrictions. High expertise in Conjuration Magic.