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C - Daelvin


• Whisper of Death - Short range breath attack that induces slow necrosis and rot upon things it touches.

• Call of the Flock - Can call vast numbers of other Daelvin to the area.

• Great Sensory Abilities

• Fast and Agile

• Powerful Beak and Talons

Danger Ranking: C

Rarity: Uncommon

Region: Anywhere

Description: Daelvin are a species of ravenous, almost humanoid, avian creatures with their most prominent features being their monochrome appearances and thin, avian-looking skulls for their faces. These creatures are attracted to dying, sick, injured, or dead creatures, and utilize their Whisper of Death to weaken and kill them. They are extremely aggressive and hostile, even to one another; being seen tearing apart and ripping out the internals of prey, and actively eating them as they flee. These creatures are somewhat weak individually, as on average most should be around that of a D rank fauna, but their capability to summon vast flocks of other Daelvin to assist them makes them formidable and dangerous fauna to encounter.

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