Name: Blast Polyps
Availability: Uncommon
Region: Oceans, Coral Reefs
Preparation: Spikes must be applies via accupuncture techniques
Cost: Illegal
Description: Blast Polyps are a plant with a thick stem covered in bright yellow spikes on all sides. The spikes are poisonous and can be ejected from the stem whenever it is touched. However, if the top anenomes are plucked, the spikes can simply be removed easily. Once applies to the body, the spikes numb pain, and make the user completely unfeeling to it for a day. However, once the day is up, the user will feel all of the pain at once, and if they cannot handle it, they will fall into a coma. The selling, growing, and even harvesting of Blast Polyps is illegal, and has been deemed a crime if caught doing so.