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A - Beckoning PheromONes

Circle Name: Beckoning Pheromones

Circle Ranking: A

Circle Engraving: នាំចេញទៅអស់អ្នកដែលមាននៅក្នុងជួរជាមួយ aura ល្បួងរបស់ខ្ញុំ,និងចុះខ្សោយពួកគេ

Effect: Engraving the circle and activating it will release a scent that cause any Fauna around it that is B Rank or below to be attracted to the location of the circle. The bigger the circle the larger the range of the scent.

Required Mana Input: Constant mana supply

Limitations and Drawbacks: The larger the area it is engraved, and the bigger the circle, the more mana it will cost to power it.

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