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The general lore of Shinseina, written from the perspective of the author, William Wixon, a great historian who went missing one day.

Chapter One - Creation

It is believed by many that in the beginning, before life itself even began, before even the vastness of the cosmos took shape, there was nothing but endless emptiness that was deemed the Void. The ocean of endless emptiness was dynamic and ever-shifting. Yet as it expanded in the infinite nothingness,

it grew ever more powerful within. Between

these vines of strength caused by the

expansions, a new power coalesced and

came to be; this power had no true form,

at least none we can comprehend, but it

was conscious, alive so to speak. This

power was referred to, by the people of

this world, as God or Kami.


Kami drifted through the empty Void, growing

bored as the first concept of 'time' began to pass. The more they got bored, the more they felt a growing emptiness inside themself and in the Void itself, this emptiness filled Kami with an urge to fill it, to see just what it would take to make it interesting; they yearned for beings to spend time with.

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So, with their being and power, they bent and shaped reality, molding their Son and Daughter into existence. ​


The Son was considered the

God of Destruction, Yomoko.


The Daughter was considered the

Goddess of Creation, Shina.

They were satisfied for a while with how Shinseina was coming to be, until they looked closely at it, feeling as if something was missing from it. A being similar in lifeform to the Gods but not as powerful, as to protect the world itself. So, Shina proposed an idea, she wanted to create life, Kami allowed her to do as she wished and so she began small. The first organisms and forms of life began to take shape, filling the massive lands and oceans of the world.

The more time went on, the more Kami found

how fun it was to create living things from

watching their Daughter make things.

Eventually, they got tired of making such

small, mindless creatures that lived only

to eat, reproduce, and then die,

without doing more, without purpose.

Kami wanted a being like themself in mind and consciousness, one that was truly alive and had a purpose. A living, thinking being that was not powerful but was capable of free thought and decisions. Thus, they created the template for most conscious life, Humans. Humans were the starting piece for all other races and the first race to walk the world.

The Gods were very fond of the humans, so they gave humans the strength to persevere through the harsh climates in which the world held in its infancy. The humans, and the other races, began to populate and grow under the hidden watchful eye of the Gods.​

These three lived together in the Void for a long time, but once again as time flowed, they started to yearn for more, believing it was far too empty as it was. They decided to create more, to create everything they wanted; they used their power to make the vastness of existence itself and all the realms in it. 

One particular realm they spent the most time on, carving and detailing everything of it, was called Shinseina. Piece by piece they spent time making it, the elements, the clouds, the stars, the moon and sun, the beautiful flora that covers the biosphere. They did all of it to fill the emptiness that they felt within and outward.

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